

Bolt component for forms and form elements

A collection of fieldsets to create a form. Part of the Bolt “Components” CSS framework that powers the Bolt Design System.

Install via NPM
npm install @bolt/components-form
  {% include "@bolt-components-form/form.twig" with {
  text: "This is a form",
  url: "#!",
} only %}

Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.

Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

Customize the size of the input icon used

We promise not to sell your email address
The username you entered is already taken.

Select an alignment

Select toppings

If there were any server-side errors, you'd see them here
Pick at least two of the following

Get the Report

(all fields are required)

Get the Report

(all fields are required)

Get the Report

(all fields are required)

Get the Report

(all fields are required)

(Note: forms do not offically support dark themes yet. Use at your own risk.)